virgo in astrology
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Your Guide to Virgo in Astrology

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Virgo in Astrology

what does virgo in astrology mean?

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by the planet mercury. Virgo seeks to be of service to others and is dedicated to taking care of the health and well being of our bodies. Virgo likes order and knows the rules and sticks to them.

Virgo is known for the energy of seeking perfection and cleanliness. Virgo wants to organize, categorize and arrange life into an orderly space. Virgo energy is practical and useful and always keen to assist others.

Sign: Virgo

Dates: 24 August – 24 September

Ruling planet: Mercury

Symbol: The Virgin

Element: Earth

Mode: Mutable

Ruling House: 6th House

Polarity: Feminine / Yin

Ruling body part: The abdomen and digestive system

Color: Grey

Crystal/Jewel: Clear quartz

Key phrase: “I serve”

Opposite sign: Pisces

Compatible with: Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus

virgo strengths

Loyal, helpful, analytical, selfless, kind, ordered, hardworking, practical, methodical

virgo weaknesses

Shyness, obsessive, too structured with routines, worry, overly critical of self and others

virgo ruling planet: mercury

Virgo is ruled by mercury, the planet of communication, information and travel. Virgo is able to communicate effectively. This helps virgo when working and helping others. Mercury also gives virgo the ability to hone in on minute details and create lists to get things done.

Virgo is intelligent and is able to think critically in order to get tasks completed to perfection. Mercury can cause Virgo to have a tendency to get stuck in their thoughts and mental processes and over analyze situations.

virgo symbol: the virgin/Maiden

The symbol for virgo is the virgin or the maiden. This symbol supports Virgo’s urge and desire to be of service to the world. This desire can be so strong that virgo may not feel fulfilled in the world until they are serving others and contributing to the needs of others.

The virgin/maiden also symbolizes health and vitality within the body, which is another trait which virgo exudes. 

Virgo element: earth

Virgo is an earth element, grounded, practical, organized and patient. Virgo needs order to be able to thrive. This may not necessarily manifest as a clean and tidy household (although it certainly can manifest this way), it may manifest as order and adherence to rules that are self imposed. For example, no shoes in the house or clothes set out in a specific order in the wardrobe. 

Virgo modality: mutable

Although virgo is an earth sign, it is an extremely adaptable earth sign. Out of the three earth signs in the zodiac, virgo is able to move and change as needed compared to the other two – which are more rigid and slow to change. 

virgo keyphrase “i serve”

Virgo is here to serve and give to society. Virgo can sometimes come across as critical, however they always have everyone’s best interests at heart. They truly do care and want to help, however this can sometimes be misinterpreted as judgment.

virgo compatibility

Virgo is most compatible with their fellow earth signs – taurus  and capricorn. These signs have a mutual understanding and so get along well.

Virgo is also compatible with Pisces – it’s opposite sign.

Virgo is least compatible with gemini and sagittarius. 

virgo celebrities

  • Timothée Chalamet
  • Ryan Reynolds
  • Milly Bobby-Brown
  • Dolly Parton
  • Jay Z
  • Sarah Poulson
  • Prince Harry

read more about virgo in astrology

Your North Node in Virgo

Your Black Moon Lilith in Virgo

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