Your Guide to Sagittarius in Astrology
Sagittarius energy seeks to explore and learn. Ruled by the planet jupiter, sagittarius is an optimistic and expansive sign that loves new adventures, meeting new people.
Sagittarius energy seeks to explore and learn. Ruled by the planet jupiter, sagittarius is an optimistic and expansive sign that loves new adventures, meeting new people.
Scorpio has a depth and emotional intensity not found in any other zodiac sign. A water sign and ruled by both mars and pluto, scorpio’s energy is fearless and fierce. These characteristics give scorpio the confidence to face challenges head on and achieve success.
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is a cardinal air sign, ruled by the planet Venus. The archetype of Libra wants to seek balance and harmony in life and in relationships. Libra loves to be in partnership and is a loyal and loving friend and companion.
Virgo is an earth sign ruled by the planet mercury. Virgo seeks to be of service to others and is dedicated to taking care of the health and well being of our bodies. Virgo likes order and knows the rules and sticks to them.
Leo is ruled by the sun and a fire sign – bringing a combination warm, generous, loyal, caring and radiant energy. Leo loves to love and loves to be loved. Anyone close to the energy of a leo can feel its warmth and rays of sunshine that is magnetic and contagious.
Cancer is a water sign ruled by the moon. It is deeply connected to the emotions and emotional world. Deeply intuitive, cancer feels its way through life.
Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac. As a mutable air sign gemini has an energy of lightness. It has a cerebral quality to it which encompasses the qualities of communication and learning and exchanging of information.
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac that brings us back down to earth after the firey action of aries season. The energy of the taurus archetype is that of a deep connection to the material world and the senses.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The archetype of aries is fiery, full of energy and vigor and ready to take action. Aries paves the way for others to follow. Always a risk taker, bold and sometimes terrifying, it is easy to get swept up in the charisma and drive of aries.