Black Moon in Lilith in Libra
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Black Moon Lilith in Libra – Explore Your Shadows

As you dive into your birth chart, you’ll notice Black Moon Lilith in Libra playing a pivotal role. This placement nudges you towards building relationships, which is where you really shine. But, it’s not all smooth sailing. 
You’ll find yourself wrestling with co-dependency, along with fears of rejection and abandonment. Setting boundaries? That’s a tough one for you, and making decisions isn’t any easier.

Saturn in Libra in Astrology
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Your Guide to Saturn in Libra in Astrology

Saturn is exalted in Libra, which means that Saturn’s energy is elevated and comfortable in the energy and archetype of Libra.

This combination brings forth a harmonious and refined expression of discipline, responsibility, and fairness. It provides you with exceptional skills in diplomacy, creating lasting relationships, and promoting equilibrium in your personal and social spheres.