Neptune in Aries in the 12th House in Astrology
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Neptune in Aries in the 12th House: A Journey Within

On March 30, 2025, Neptune will transit into the zodiac sign of Aries. If this falls in your 12th house in your natal chart, get ready for a profound journey into your inner world. 
This placement of Neptune opens the door to the spiritual realm, urging you to explore spiritual growth, uncover hidden truths, and establish a deep connection with your subconscious.

Solar Eclipse in Libra in the Eleventh House
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Your Guide to the Solar Eclipse in Libra in the 11th House

During this eclipse season, a solar eclipse in your eleventh house in the zodiac sign of Libra signals significant changes in your social circles and future aspirations. 
This new moon energy pushes you to re-evaluate your friendships and the groups you associate with, urging you to seek balance and harmony in these areas.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in the Eleventh House
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Your Guide to a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in the 11th House

A lunar eclipse in Pisces in your 11th house signals a time of full moon illumination, where your social circles, friendships, and aspirations come into sharp focus. 
This powerful event, influenced by Pisces’ dreamy and intuitive energy, brings about major changes in how you connect with others and pursue your dreams.